/* SAS Macro to import all worksheets of an XLSX file */
/* Extra required software includes SAS/ACCESS, SAS/MACRO */
/* Assumes first row contains field names */
/* Assumes worksheets have valid SAS dataset names */
/* This macro provided as-is, use at your own risk */
/* Macro parameters:
libin = libname to be temporarily assigned to XSLX file
libinpath = path to XLSX file
libout = libname where SAS datasets should be exported
%macro XLSXimport(libin, libinpath, libout);
/* Open link to xlsx file */
libname &libin. "&libinpath";
proc sql noprint;
/* Create array with name of each dataset */
select memname into :mem1 - :mem&sysmaxlong
from dictionary.tables
where libname=upcase("&libin")
and memtype = upcase('data');
/* Loop to import each dataset to libout */
%do i=1 %to &sqlobs;
create table &libout..%substr(&&mem&i,1,
/* Loop to import each dataset to libout */
%do i=1 %to &sqlobs;
create table &libout..%substr(&&mem&i,1,
%EVAL(%LENGTH(&&mem&i)-1)) as
select * from &libin.."&&mem&i"n ;
/* Close link to xlsx file */
libname &libin. CLEAR;
%mend XLSXimport;
%XLSXimport(mylib, c:\users\public\EXCEL FILE.xlsx, work);
select * from &libin.."&&mem&i"n ;
/* Close link to xlsx file */
libname &libin. CLEAR;
%mend XLSXimport;
%XLSXimport(mylib, c:\users\public\EXCEL FILE.xlsx, work);